“Facilitating Family Constellations is about holding space for the invisible space of love to reweave the fabric of a family.” Jack Blackwell
I have studied Family Constellations since the early 2000's with a number of expert facilitators. I have found Julie Freed to be one of the most skilled and wise facilitators to date. I feel strongly that Family Constellations have helped me become a better person, family member, friend and therapist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Constellations
Family Constellation Theory was developed in the 1990's by Bert Hellinger who had spent a considerable amount of time in Africa as a missionary and educator. He returned to Germany with a deep understanding about the part our ancestors play, with their losses and gains, in our current psychologies. He developed the Family Constellation process which, having been updated and expanded, is now practiced throughout the world to heal individuals, families, groups and even businesses.
In Family Constellations, a group of like-minded participants gather to help the "identified presenter" work through a troubled dynamic. That one person is guided to pick a person to represent themselves and place the representative in an intuited yet specific spot within the workshop space. They are then guided to bring in other relevant representatives such as parents, siblings, co-workers or even concepts such as fear or grief, and place them in specific spots as well. A morphic field of energetic and deeply innate systemic "knowing" begins to take form and the facilitator will then start to identify the unknown relational stances amongst the representatives so that the whole system can return to a healthier sense of organization. Interactions can then become more direct, functional, forgiving, peaceful and enriched.
If this interests you, please ask me about it or contact Julie directly to set up your constellation. She will gather her regular experienced constellation group and will ask you to invite a few trusted friends from your life to help stand in as representatives. From there, we will determine the location, timing and fees for your Constellation.